Monday, 15 August 2011

BA Painting - Assault Squad and Sergeant Banner

So it has been a while since I've posted any pictures, but there is good reason for this.  I've been working pretty diligently on the first five assault marines, as well as a free-hand job on the tactical sergeant's banner.  Pictures below!

I decided that the tactical squad would be squad number 5 in the fourth company of blood angels.  Hence the roman numeral 'V' that makes it way onto the sergeant's banner.  This banner was my first real free handing job, and I think it turned out really well!

I went with the yellow helmet for the assault marines (which is pretty standard for blood angels I think).  Quick overview of the painting, I basecoated Scorched Brown, followed by three coats of sunburst yellow.  I then gave it a wash with baal red.

Theres the whole squad painted.  I just got the next 5 assault marines in, so they are next...


  1. Damn, they look good!

    Although I was dissapointed when I discovered there was no 'free hand-job' advertised on the banner...

    At this pace, I may be inspired to provide models for a new story arc with witch hunters!

  2. i don't believe that was your first free hand job.

  3. You guys are just jealous that you're not a tactical sergeant and receiving free hand jobs from me!
