Sunday 5 June 2011

BA Month 3 Purchases

In an effort to get a functioning army going as quick as possible, my brother and I agreed that we could buy our first three months worth of models in the first or second month.  Therefore, even though I realize it is not even close to July yet, I have made purchases with most of my July money.

I decided to get a BA Sanguinary Priest and a Space Marine commander.  The priest gives all of your units within 6" of him furious charge and feel no pain, which increases their combat potential and can double their durability!  He is also an independent character, so he can move around from squad to squad when necessary.  The commander is a very reliable HQ choice, and again is an independent character which always helps your army's flexibility.

The priest and commander came out to about $38 due to a nice 10% discount at Revolution, the local gaming store in NW Calgary.  Nice little place with very helpful staff.  If you are in Calgary and are into wargames, magic cards, board games... check this place out!  Anyways, this leaves me with $12 extra for next month, which leaves me just about enough to get a tank...

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